Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How Can a Personal Concierge Help You?

These are just a few ways that individuals and business professionals can benefit from hiring a personal concierge.

  1. Save Time: Hiring a personal concierge allows you to add more time to your day. A concierge can be utilized to take care of tasks that you don’t have to be present for such as picking up dry cleaning, taking your pet to the vet, or returning products to the department store. This keeps you available to take care of things like your career or picking up your kids from school.
  2. More Affordable: Hiring a personal concierge gives you the stability and reliability of having a full time personal assistant without having a full time payroll. Concierge services guarantee your satisfaction so you can feel confident with hiring them to take care of your tasks. You can also hire one person to take care of several different projects instead of hiring several different people to take care of different tasks. This keeps your costs down to a minimum.
  3. Reduce Your Expenses: Businesses can reduce costs by hiring a personal concierge because the costs associated with hiring a full time employee such as training and other administrative costs are eliminated. Plus, you only pay for the amount of service that you need.
  4. Increase Proficiency: Outsourcing tasks to a personal concierge allows business professionals to stay focused on the important parts of the business that cannot be taken care of by anyone else. And there is the confidence of knowing that things will be taken care of on a professional level.

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